MJNA Spring Newsletter
Come Out for the Annual "Charlottesville 10 Miler"Spring is here and that means it is time for the CHARLOTTESVILLE 10 MILER!
This is an annual event for MJNA and the runners look forward to our cheers and flags flying over Lexington Avenue, hung early in the morning by Buddy Weber and helpers. The runners also appreciate our neighborhood water stop, organized this year as in the past by Cyndy, Sam, & Anna Caughron. And the children especially like handing water to the runners. We all look forward to our Potluck Breakfast on the Hinckley family’s wonderful porch at the corner of Poplar and Lexington. So please come out for this fine spring tradition, have coffee & cake with your neighbors, and cheer on the runners! Join us on Race Day at the corner of Poplar Street and Lexington Avenue. Bring a breakfast something to share such as goodies, fruit or juice. Join us at 7:45 am to help with the table set-up. The first runners will fly by around 8:10 am. Hospital Redevelopment May Take Different CourseThe latest news is that the Crosland/Celebration partnership will not be
redeveloping the MJH site. Reasons for ending negotiations with MJH are not entirely clear, but probably include uncertainty over Crosland’s access to adequate commercial financing in the current difficult economic climate, and the developer’s desire to focus on projects already underway rather than launching new ones. The hospital is exploring alternatives for site redevelopment, especially now that the new campus on Pantops is likely to be ready in 2011, ahead of schedule. One option may be to convert sections of the hospital, or build additional space, for a single big tenant, such as a headquarters complex. Under this scheme, the current site might undergo less radical redevelopment than was anticipated from the Crosland Celebration multi-use ideas. The MJNA Board and its Hospital Liaison Committee is in continual contact with MJH and will be reaching out to the community as soon as the picture on various redevelopment options becomes a bit clearer. Historic Conservation District Gets SupportThe balloting conducted by MJNA with all 103 affected property owners has concluded, and better than two-thirds of respondents support creation of
a Historic Conservation Overlay District by the city. The overall 52% ballot response rate was impressive. Based on the clear preference expressed, MJNA is preparing an application for creation of a conservation district. The city’s Planning Commission and then City Council will take up the application, and there will be multiple opportunities for public comment before final action. Maplewood Cemetery Vandalism ContinuesThere have been renewed reports of gravestone vandalism at the cemetery,
after a winter lull. Residents in the immediate vicinity of the cemetery hope to form a watch group to observe and report vandalism and suspicious activity. The success of this group will depend on enough volunteers to cover the critical hours and days, so email us if you would be prepared to help out. City Leaf Pick Up ContinuesBecause this winter’s extraordinary storms interrupted collections, the Public
Works Department has extended its free curbside leaf pick-up service through the week of April 5. Use the clear plastic bags the city distributed earlier, and be sure to include only leaves, not sticks or other vegetation. After the week of the 5th, leaf bags will need a city trash sticker. Serve on MJNA's Board or Board CommitteesThis May, MJNA membership will elect a new Board for 2010/2011. We are
always looking for folks who have never served before, or at least not recently. If you have any interest in serving on the Board, or on one of our ongoing committees (e.g. traffic & transportation, communications & outreach), please volunteer at [email protected] or call Bruce Odell at 326-4217. |
Upcoming EventsCharlottesville 10 Miler
Saturday, April 3 7:45 am Corner of Poplar St. & Lexington Ave. MJNA Spring Picnic Date Time Location Ideas for Fun Neighborhood Events? We want to have more FUN events this year, getting the neighborhood together in some new ways. Our ever-creative MJNA Board has come up with these ideas: